1 contact

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2 about

The images are made with Blender, a 3D creation and animation software, and its built-in shader editor. The shader editor lets you create procedural textures in a visual programming approach. Predefined algorithms, represented as shader nodes, can be connected to build a more complex algorithm, described as a node-tree. Different values within the node-tree can be keyframed or randomly generated over time, which lets you animate the texture.
To generate the images, the texture is applied to a flat surface and rendered. Then, a set of values change randomly throughout an image sequence of 400 frames.

3 image license

All Images are licensed under Creative Commons as CC BY-NC 4.0.
I'm happy to collaborate if you would like to use them commercially.

4 font

KHDesert, for the Numbers, by Kevin Högger.
Instagram / kevinhoegger.com.

RoutinePro by Davide Rossetto.

5 resources

Here are a few youtube channels with in-depth knowledge that helped me create all this.

Blender Guru, CGMatter, Kevin Powell, DesignCourse, 3Blue1Brown, The Coding Train, Lance Phan, Veritasium, Tom Scott,

To create the scrolling effect on this website, I used scrollmagic library. Check out my code pen to see how it works.